World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Scriptural Passage: Mark 1:17
Core Shape: Heart (If you take the wheat and follow it up on one side, then follow the sail up on the other side you can begin to see the image of the heart.) This is really the core of Don Bosco’s charism.
Wheat & Grapes: Elements of priestly ministry.
The lamb: symbolizes Jesus who is the lamb of God and its Salesian connection is of Don Bosco’s dream of 9 where wild animals turn to lambs.
Fleur De Lis: Look to the right of the lamb you see blades of grass. One of them is shaped like a fleur de lis. Its Salesian connection is also to the dream of 9 where Don Bosco is told I will give you a helper. (The Blessed Mother)
Rock: Symbolic for Peter who is being called, also where the water meets the land.
The boat: Captures the biblical image of come follow me and I will make you fishers of men. There is a net in the water filled with a catch of fish which is being left behind to follow the Lord. It’s not because the fisherman wasn’t successful rather he left his nets to follow the Lord and obtain the pearl of great price.
Cross: If you look at the Sail you see that at the center is the cross
The bird: Serves a twofold purpose. It can be a sea gull or it can also be the Holy Spirit which breathes life into the sail.
Left half of the image: Cover up the right half of the image and you will see abundance of harvest. Grapes, Wheat, Fish. Everything is calm. This symbolizes for me the calm and fruitful moments of my vocational journey.
Right Half of the Image: Cover up the left half of the image and you will see waves, rocks, and a full sail. It looks as if the boat is going through rougher waters. This symbolizes for me the times of challenge in my vocation. However in these moments the Lord is using these moments to draw me to new places.
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