A Willing Desire To Give Our Entire Self To Christ

Yesterday Fr. Dennis Hartigan from the Don Bosco Preparatory community in Ramsey, New Jersey gave an evening of recollection at Don Bosco Residence. He geared his talk to the novena of Mary Help of Christians--her solemnity is celebrated on May 24.
Fr. Dennis used the story of the Wedding Feast at Cana as a lead in. He noted that Mary was able to “send” Jesus along the way even when he questioned whether his “hour” had come (Jo 2: 4). But he followed through, and having the stone jars filled with water and making them into wine, he affirmed this couple’s wedding reception, and he gave himself entirely to the will of God. Sometimes we are asked to do things that we would rather not do, but we need to remember that when we are sent, Mary will be with us along the way. God’s kingdom is built when we are willing to give our entire lives over to the mission of Christ.
Our willingness to submit our entire selves to God’s saving plan, even when we may not like it, will bring about the best vintage, like it did at The Wedding Feast at Cana. May we know that our Our Lady Help of Christian’s is among us, so that we freely give over our entire selves to be at the service of God’s kingdom.
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