Vocation Ministries Visit to Our Lady of Good Counsel, Surrey, B.C. (April 24-28)

Spending the Easter octave at Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish (OLGC) in Surrey, I met with a host of youth and catechetical groups, offered an evening of recollection to youth, young adults and parents, facilitated a vocation discernment weekend, and helped with a Sunday liturgy. Vibrancy characterizes the environment at the parish. There is always something in the works and on the move in a spirit of joy and playfulness.
On Sunday OLGC took four buses to a celebration of thanksgiving for the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II. The Archdiocese of Vancouver hosted this event at the Coliseum arena that gathered an estimated 10,000. The day was a triumphant celebration of Church. In the words of the meditation hymn, “O God Beyond All Praising,” the song expressed thanks to God for the tremendous gifts, blessings, and mercies that we shared in celebrating the lives of the newly canonized.
A relic of St. Faustina Kowalska, the uneducated Polish nun who kept a journal of the revelations she received regarding Gods’ mercy captured how the lowly are called upon to collaborate in the saving activity of God.
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