2nd Sunday of Lent - B (March 4, 2012)

2nd Sunday of Lent - B (March 4, 2012)
Mark 9: 2-10
This is My Beloved Son
Mark began his gospel citing clearly what he intended to teach his readers, "the gospel of Jesus Christ, Son of God" (1:1)
The rest of his writing teaches us who Jesus is and how in his life, through his words and actions, Jesus reveals to us that he is the only "Son of God."
It begins with the baptism of John the Baptist, where the voice from heaven reaffirms Jesus as God's "beloved Son."
Then we learn of a Jesus who is zealously on a mission to bring God's peace and healing to the human race.
Throughout the gospel, especially when Jesus heals the sick and performs miracles, he would not allow people to speak about it to prevent any misunderstanding of who he is. He is not just a famous teacher or a powerful miracle worker.
Now, as Jesus travels to Jerusalem to undergo his passion and death, with the Transfiguration, he prepares his disciples by giving them a hint of who he truly is, God's beloved Son.
Jesus' identity as God's beloved Son will be fully revealed on the cross, which he accepted out of loving obedience to the Father's will and love for the human race. There, on the cross, through the words of the Roman centurion, Mark teaches us, "Truly this man was the Son of God" (15:39).
God's only Son lives and fulfills his identity on the cross, his ultimate sacrifice of love.
How do we live our lives as God's sons and daughters?