
Day 8: Day 22

"Mary and the Salesian Vocation"


Reading: (Fr. Pascual Chavez, SDB, Letter on Vocation Ministry, December 2010)

We ought to be proud of our Salesian vocation; to know Don Bosco better and better, and above all to live and communicate with enthusiasm his spirit and the Salesian mission.  As a sign of gratitude for the gift of the Salesian vocation we have received, we commit ourselves to making it known to all, especially the young.  We will speak about it whenever it is possible, to our co-workers and to the friends who come in contact with us.  Our life, our enthusiasm, our fidelity will clearly show that we believe in the beauty and the value of the vocation we have received.  We believe in its relevance, and we live it with intensity in order to respond joyfully to the needs and to the expectations of the young and of society today. 

The Lord Jesus and Mary Help of Christians have entrusted to us this precious gift for the salvation of the young.  It is a gift we guard with love, we live intensely, we communicate with joy.



Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory Be…


Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.


Day 7: May 21

"Mary, the Help of Christians”

Reading: (Don Bosco’s Good Night, from Biographical Memoirs of St. John Bosco XIII, p. 321)

Don Bosco spoke in a good night:

I urge you as the best I can—may my words be engraved upon your minds and hearts—to call upon the name of Mary, specifically saying, “Mary, Help of Christians,  pray for us!”  Brief as it is, it has been found to be a most effective prayer.  I have suggested it to many, and all or nearly all have told me of the happy results they obtained.  I have heard the same from people who regularly and of their own accord say the prayer without having been previously advised. 

We all have our problems, we all need help.  When in need of a spiritual favor, make a habit of repeating this invocation. 

Mary does not refuse our prayer; it’s we who do not want our prayers to be heard.  Prayer must be earnest, persevering, prompted by faith, with conviction that it will be heard.  Try it all of you, and tell all you relatives and friends to try it too. 



Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory Be…

Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.



Day 6: May 20

"Mary, Don Bosco's Mother and Helper"

Reading: (From Don Bosco with God)

Don Bosco constantly celebrated the glories of Mary, ancient and modern, and he sought always to infuse in others the filial trust in her that he nourished in his own heart.  He never ceased to invoke the help of his heavenly patron.  Public declarations of gratitude were ever on his lips for the innumerable graces and benefits he had received through the powerful intercession of the Help of Christians.  “How good Mary is!” he used to exclaim frequently.  Whenever he was praised for his achievements he felt embarrassed and would quickly correct his admirers saying, “These good people don't know who Don Bosco is; it is Mary Help of Christians who does everything.”

He was often moved to the point of tears when preaching about the greatness of Mary.  He was heard to repeat insistently that he had never taken any step without recourse to Mary.


(from Don Bosco and the Spiritual Life)

Don Bosco’s boys from 1847 on, sang the following song:

“We are sons of Mary:

Let the breeze and wind repeat it,

Let the whole earth echo it

In pleasing harmony.

We are sons of Mary.”



Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory Be…


Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.


Day 5: May 19


DAY 5:  MAY 19
“Don Bosco’s First Boy—It all began with a Hail Mary and the Sign of the Cross”
On the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 
(Dec. 8, 1841) I was vesting for Mass.  The sacristan, Joseph Comotti, saw a shy young boy in a corner of the sacristy.  He invited him to serve Mass.
“I don’t know how.”
The boy was uneasy.  
“Come, get on with it.  I want you to serve Mass.”
“I have never served it.”
The sacristan flew into a rage.
“You fool!  If you don’t know how to serve Mass, what do you come to the sacristy for?
He grabbed the coat hanger and started beating the boy over shoulders and head.  The boy took to his heels.
“What are you doing?  Why do you beat him?”
“Because he comes to the sacristy without knowing how to serve Mass.”
“How absurd!”
“What’s that with you?”
“He’s my friend.  Go and get him, I need to talk to him.”
The boy returned, mortified.  His head was clean-shaven, his jacket lime-stained.  He was a young immigrant.  Perhaps at home they told him, “when you are in Turin, go to Mass.”  So he went, but did not have the courage to mix in church with well-dressed people. He tried the sacristy, which is where young and old men go in the countryside.  
With loving kindness I asked him:
“Have you been to Mass?”
“Come.  After Mass I want to talk to you about something that might interest you.” 
He promised to come.  After Mass and thanksgiving, I took him aside and smiling, I asked him:
“My good friend, what’s your name?”
“Bartholomew Garelli.”
“Where are you from?”
“What do you do?”
“I’m a bricklayer.”
“Is your Dad alive?”
“He’s dead.”
“And your Mum?”
“She’s dead too.”
“How old are you?”
“Do you know how to read and write?”
“Do you know how to sing?”
The boy wiped his eyes, looked at me in amazement and replied:
“What about whistling?”
Bartholomew smiled.  That’s what I wanted.  We were already friends.  
“Have you received your first Holy Communion?”
“Not yet.”
“And your first confession?”
“Yes, when I was small.”
“Do you go to catechism classes?”
“I dare not.  The younger boys tease me…”
“Would you come if I taught catechism for you alone?”
“Very willingly.”
“Even here?”
“Provided I’m not beaten!”
“Don’t worry.  You’re my friend now.  No one will touch you.  When do you want to start?”
“Whenever you like.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
Don Bosco knelt down and recited a Hail Mary.  45 years later he would say to his Salesians, “All the blessings we have received from heaven are the fruit of that first Hail Mary recited with fervor and with a right intention.”
After the Hail Mary, Don Bosco made the sign of the Cross to begin the class, but noticed that Bartholomew made a vague gesture unlike anything resembling it.  With great kindness he taught him how to make it.  In the Asti dialect he began to explain why we call God “Father.”  In the end he added:
“I want you to come next Sunday, Bartholomew.”
“With pleasure.”
“But not alone.  Bring your friends with you.”
Bartholomew Garelli, the young bricklayer from Asti, was Don Bosco’s first ambassador among the young workers of his neighborhood.  He reported meeting that nice priest “who also knew how to whistle” and invited them.
Four days later, Sunday, nine boys came to the sacristy.  The Oratory was born.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be…
Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.




Day 4: May 18

"Mary, Loving Foundress of the Salesian Family and Mission”

Reading: (Don Bosco’s Dream at the Age of 9)

I found myself in a very vast yard where many children were playing.  Some of them were swearing.  Upon hearing that I soon threw myself into their midst, screaming and hitting them to get them to be quiet.  At that very moment, a majestic person who was richly dressed, appeared to me.  He called me by name and said: “It isn’t by hitting, but by gentleness and charity that you must conquer these children and make them your friends.”  I asked him who he was.  “Ask your mother for my name.”  At that very moment, next to him, I saw a majestic woman clothed in a mantle, resplendent like the sun.  She took me by the hand and said: “Look!”  And I perceived that the children had fled.  In their place there was a great number of young goats, cats, bears, and other similar beasts.  “Here is your field, she told me, be humble, courageous, and strong.  What you see now happen to these animals, you will cause to happen to my children.”  I then turned my head.  And this is what I saw: where there had been these ferocious animals, there appeared as many lambs who were running and bleating around the man and this woman, as if they were celebrating.  Then, she placed her hand on my head and said: “You will understand later!”  This dream left a strong impression on me for my entire life.

The two people had given me some advice: “Not violence but gentleness, humility, and courage.”  The lady had taken me by the hand “with kindness”; she had shown me her area of interest “with her children,” and she had told me: “you will understand later.”  The dream renewed itself after I became a priest.  The lady had become the shepherdess and the sheep her mindful flock.  As I wrote in my book, Memories: "I understood the events as they happened.  This dream I had when I wasw nine, had an effect on all my decisions.  



Our Father…

Hail Mary…

Glory Be…


Mary Help of Christians, pray for us.