DB Classic Heads South

The Don Bosco Classic, a Salesian organized basketball tournament for the young and the young at heart, was hosted this year by Ryan Phelan at the Diocese of St. Petersburg in Florida. The DB Classic, as it has been called for years was originally founded in the New York area, and brought many members of the Salesian family from our different schools, youth groups, and parishes for fun, friendship, and basketball. It was an exciting feeling to see the DB Classic not only return, but also makes its way to our Southern Salesian friends and family.
Opening with Mass on the Solemnity of St. John Bosco, the homily etched out a framework of what constitutes greatness in the kingdom. A story related how Lebron James was interviewed after a tough loss in the playoffs. He offered a few comments regarding the game but cut the interview short so that he could go home and play with his kids. In that moment, James framed greatness as a father who aspires to be present with his family. "Jesus says that we have to become like children to be great in the kingdom, because children always receive life as a gift, and only those who recognize life as a gift are fit to receive the kingdom." (Mt 18:1-5)
From childhood, John Bosco learned that life is a gift. With the help of Mama Margaret, he was able to bridge life with faith resulting in a faith response which fueled him to learn acrobatic skills and to synthesize Sunday sermons. His knack for entertainment and evangelization impacted his friends for life. In the spirit of the epistle to the Philippines, John Bosco took “all he had learned and experienced” to help others recognize that the kingdom of God was available to them (4:8). The participants in the Don Bosco Classic were urged to play their hearts out, to make use of all they had learned and experienced in life as the means to aspire to greatness in the kingdom.
Ryan Phelan, currently the associate director of youth and young adult ministry for the St. Petersburg Diocese, and formerly assistant director for Youth Ministry in the Province of New Rochelle, NY, brought together eight teams for a round-robin tournament enabling each team to play six or more games.
Since all teams were required to have at least one female member, this added to the family spirit. Sr. Mary Jackson, fma, who played with alums from the Villa Madonna School inTampa, displayed great agility on the court and racked up a good number of baskets for her team which helped in their magnificent win!
The Don Bosco Classic event brought youth and young adult participants to recognize how the Salesian Family with its charism is an avenue for experiencing the kingdom as children of God. All in all it was an amazing time had by all, and an even greater affirmation that the work of St. John Bosco is still continuing and thriving.
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