About the Salesians / Stephen Eguino
Hi my name is Stephen Eguino and I’m from the Bronx, NY. I went to Salesian High School in New Rochelle, NY and have been around the Salesians for most of my life. My brother Mike went to Salesian five years before I did and it was at this time my family grew to know the Salesians. Through his experiences in the school and his newfound love for his faith he decided to go into formation with the Salesians. Today he goes by Brother Mike and in practical training. Through his days of candidacy, whenever I visited the formation house I was constantly asked, “Hey Steve, when are you going to join the Salesians?” I was about 13 or 14 yrs old and when I was asked this I was usually embarrassed or annoyed because it was so constant and I had the same reaction of shaking my head and saying, “I don’t think so” or more directly, “Not for me!” I found out God had different plans for me.

My parents were very vocal about my faith growing up and how important it was so I wanted to become an Altar Server at my parish St. Benedict’s in the Bronx. All the way to a senior in High School I was an Altar Server and thought I love being on the Altar and serving my community and wanted to take the next step so I became a Eucharistic Minister after my graduation from Salesian high. My vocation grew from my experiences with the Salesians on the MLR, OLR, and other various retreats. Each time I was with the Salesians I saw myself more and more wanting to be like them and be an example for other young people as they were for me. The thought of a vocation was buried for me in my mind. I went to St. John’s University and transferred to Maritime College after a year and during this time I constantly put off the idea of a vocation. I had it planned out for myself that I would get an Engineering License through Maritime College and build ships and have a family, but like I said earlier, God had different plans for me. After my second year at Maritime I sat with my mother for lunch and she asked me, “Stephen what are you going to do with your life at Maritime?” My mother and I both knew that I wasn’t satisfied there and there was something more for me. In that moment I thought quietly to myself, “God, I have no idea what I’m going to do with my life” and in that exact second God spoke to me in my heart and said “STEPHEN YOU HAVE A VOCATION!!” I broke out into tears and told my mom and all I could respond with was “Yes Lord.” For me this was God putting a road block in my journey after I missed the exits He wanted me to turn on and I couldn’t pass it anymore. Each day is a blessing for me because I’m learning to live according to His will and not mine (my plan was not so good I guess) and I am growing to learn to love Him more and become that example of the Salesians for other young people that I knew growing up.