Lenten Intentionality: Taking a Long Loving Look at our Relationships
Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 1:20PM
Fr. Dominic Tran

Lent has the character of giving up something so that we can be more in touch with the relational quality of Jesus’ saving action on the cross.   Jesus intentionally gave his very life for us to free us from our sinfulness so that we could live life abundantly. 

Lent is a time to take a long loving look at our relationships by being more intentional about them.  Getting together with friends and acquaintances brings us to take interest and notice of one another.  Yet being intentional in the spiritual journey can bridge us to something more.  While it might be a surprise to ask a friend how their spiritual life is, that element of surprise can take the relationship to a new horizon of faith.

 This defines  Jesus’ way of entering into relationship with people, he took them where they were at in life and then he got them to go deeper.  Lent is a time for us to meet each other where we are at in life, but then intentionally to draw from these encounters so that we can see the deeper meaning behind the everyday of life.  

Article originally appeared on Salesian of Don Bosco - Office of Vocation (http://www.salesiansofdonbosco.org/).
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